Board of Healing Arts" />
To complete the online renewal process, please visit and click on Renew Online. Please read all the instructions. You will be required to login or create a login and password.
All of the following meetings will be held at KSBHA. A complete listing of the KSBHA public meetings is linked below.
The agency will be launching a new website on October 1, 2024, with a user-friendly design, streamlined navigation, and quicker access to the information you need! Upon launch of the new website, you'll be automatically redirected to the new address. Once the new website launches, please make sure to update any bookmarks to our site. If you have any questions, please email us at
The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts has partnered with CE Broker as a way for licensees to track and manage their continuing education in one convenient location. To find out more about CE Broker, click on the link below.
The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, created in 1957, is the licensing and regulatory Board for many health care providers in Kansas. The Board is comprised of 15 members including 5 Medical Doctors (M.D.), 3 Osteopathic Doctors (D.O.), 3 Chiropractic Doctors (D.C.), 1 Podiatric Doctor (D.P.M.), and 3 public members. Professional Councils were established by statute for each of the allied health care professions licensed and regulated by this agency to advise the Board in carrying out the provisions of their practice acts.
Mission Statement: Safeguard the public through licensure, education and discipline of those who practice the healing arts in Kansas.
Agency Philosophy: Safeguarding the public is the Board's primary responsibility. The Board and its staff approach their responsibilities in a balanced and efficient manner so regulation can be performed aggressively, but fairly for the benefit of every patron of the State of Kansas.
We license and regulate 16 different health care professions.
Those health care professions include:
We also approve the business name and certify the professional licenses for the formation of certain professional corporations. We do not regulate institutions such as hospitals or nursing homes, or other medical professionals such as nurses or optometrists.
Kansas is a member of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact. For information regarding the IMLC, please visit their website at
800 SW Jackson, Lower Level - Suite A, Topeka, KS 66612
(785) 296-7413; Fax (785) 368-7102
TTY 711 or 1-800-766-3777 voice/TTY