Functional and Non-Functional Testing Checklist

Given modern users’ demand for rich, layered, full-featured websites and apps, testers have their work cut out for them. There are numerous features and aspects to test, and it is not uncommon to miss out on one or more when creating test scenarios or test cases.

To make testers’ jobs just a little easier, this article will go through two checklists – functional and non-functional. It will highlight the main features and facets of any software that must be tested before public release. Feel free to bookmark this and run through the list to ensure you haven’t missed out on trying any major offerings of your website or app.

Table of Contents

Functional Testing Checklist

If you are new to functional testing, look at the Functional Testing Guide first then move on with this checklist.

Now, let’s quickly double-click on the key points mentioned in the software functional testing checklist:

1. Requirement Analysis For Creating Test Scenarios

The first step to ensuring extensive and actionable test results is to make the right test scenarios. Test Scenarios must cover every functionality offered by a website or app, as well as all possible user scenarios. This may not always be possible, but it’s important to cast as wide a net as possible.

2. Run Tests on a Suitable Testing Tool

This point assumes that you already have the right tool to run comprehensive and varied tests on desktop and mobile devices, browsers, browser versions, and operating systems. However, selecting such a tool can be pretty challenging, especially if you are starting out with automated testing. To help the decision-making process, we’ve put together a few resources for you.

3. Pinpoint the Exact Step Where Tests Failed

Obviously, testers cannot comb through every line of a test script to figure out the location of an anomaly or error. Whatever tool you choose should help you quickly and effortlessly identify the cause of test failure. For example, when a test fails, the tools should automatically log a record of the step where it fails, take a snapshot of the test in action (at that point), record a video of the same, and basically track all aspects of the point where the test deviates from optimal behavior.

BrowserStack provides a wide range of debugging tools for automated tests (both website & app testing) – Screenshots, Video Recording, Video-Log Sync, Text Logs, Network Logs, Selenium Logs, Console Logs, Appium Logs, Device Logs, and App Profiling for convenient data capture and reporting.

Debugging dashboard

Functional Test User Flow

Here’s an example of how to approach functional testing of a single web page. When running the functional test, the following questions, at the very least should be answered:

1. Testing The Sign-Up/Login Forms

2. Search Field on the Page