Title 33. Evidence and Legal Advertisements § 490.692. Business records or copies admissible as evidence on affidavit of custodian, when—filing procedure—notice and copies of records to be served on all parties, when—form of affidavit, § 490.692 R.S.Mo.

1. Any records or copies of records reproduced in the ordinary course of business by any photographic, photostatic, microfilm, microcard, miniature photographic, optical disk imaging, or other process which accurately reproduces or forms a durable medium for so reproducing the original that would be admissible under sections 490.660 to 490.690 shall be admissible as a business record, subject to other substantive or procedural objections, in any court in this state upon the affidavit of the person who would otherwise provide the prerequisites of sections 490.660 to 490.690, that the records attached to the affidavit were kept as required by section 490.680.

2. No party shall be permitted to offer such business records into evidence pursuant to this section unless all other parties to the action have been served with copies of such records and such affidavit at least seven days prior to the day upon which trial of the cause commences.

3. The affidavit permitted by this section may be in form.