Best Automation Mobile Testing Tools and Frameworks

Mobile apps are anticipated to generate $935 billion in revenue in 2023. Mobile apps dominate a large part of people’s day-to-day experiences. Thus, developing a great mobile app experience is essential. To ensure that apps work seamlessly on Android and iOS, they must be thoroughly tested before being released to respective app stores.

This article will discuss several mobile app automation testing frameworks often used to verify app functionality before releasing them.

Table of Contents

What is Mobile Automation Testing?

Mobile automation testing uses automated testing tools and scripts to assess the functionality, performance, and usability of mobile applications on various device-platforms-OS combinations. The primary goal of mobile automation testing is to ensure the quality and reliability of mobile apps by detecting and preventing defects and regressions.

It involves writing and executing test scripts that automate interactions with a mobile app. These scripts simulate user actions like tapping buttons, entering text, swiping, and scrolling.

Automated Mobile Application Testing Frameworks

There are many frameworks and tools used for mobile application testing. Some of the most popular ones are:

1. Appium

Appium is a popular open-source framework used for automated mobile app testing. It allows developers to automate the testing of native or hybrid iOS and Android applications. Appium doesn’t work alone. It runs the test cases using the WebDriver interface.

Features of Appium:

2. NightwatchJS

NightwatchJS is a Node.js based framework that is developed and maintained by BrowserStack. Nightwatch uses Appium under the hood to achieve mobile application automation on virtual simulators & real devices. Nightwatch also takes care of the entire installation with just a single command.

Features of NightwatchJS:

3. Calabash

Calabash is a mobile test automation framework that works with multiple languages. It supports Ruby, Java, Flex, and .NET. Testers can use APIs to enable native applications that run on touchscreen devices. This framework has libraries that allow test scripts to interact programmatically with native and hybrid apps.

Features of Calabash:

4. XCUITest

XCUITest is Apple’s native automation framework for testing iOS applications. Among mobile testing tools, this one is best known for testing iOS apps. Launched by Apple in 2015, the XCUITest framework is meant to create and run UI tests on iOS apps using Swift / Objective C.

Features of XCUITest:

Follow-Up Read: Appium vs XCUITest : Key Differences

5. EarlGrey

Developed by Google, EarlGrey is a testing framework beneficial for creating UI and functional tests.

EarlGrey 2.0 combines EarlGrey with XCUITest, thus allowing iOS testing along with Android. Google uses EarlGrey to test iOS versions of its apps such as Youtube, Gmail, etc.

Features of EarGrey:

6. Selendroid

Selendroid is also known as Selenium for mobile apps for Android. Testers can do native and hybrid mobile application testing using Selendroid. Selendroid can execute parallel test cases on multiple devices, similar to Selenium for cross browser testing.

Features of Selendroid:

7. Espresso

Espresso is a mobile automation framework from Google that enables creating and deploying of UI tests for Android applications. Since testing the user interface of an application is essential before deploying it, app developers and app testers widely use Espresso. Developers can create a scenario and record how they interact with a device. Next, they can add assertions that verify the behavior of the UI elements of the app by capturing snapshots. The tool saves the recording and generates UI test cases that they can use to test their application.

8. Robotium

Robotium is a popular open-source tool dedicated to testing android applications only. The test cases are written in Java. Robotium is famous for its ability to write automated black-box test cases. It automates multiple activities that a tester can execute on their android app and takes minimal time to write test cases.

Other than these are other popular tools like Monkeytalk, Testdroid, Frank, and UI Automator.

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Tips and Best Practices for Automated Mobile App Testing

Below are some best practices that engineering teams should follow while thinking about automated mobile application testing :

  1. Make Application Testable: In the agile age, developers must build applications ready for testing. Developers should actively discuss with testing teams to set guidelines. For example, developers should give elements a unique ID to make them testable.
  2. Do not overuse the XPath:XPath is a query language that can select nodes in an XML file. It can be used for navigating across elements while testing. Google or Apple does not natively provide XPath-type queries. So if testers use them a lot, Appium is forced to make some calls. These under-the-hood calls find XPath-supporting elements but negatively impact the performance.
  3. Arrange Selectors in the Right Order: XPath is location-based. It is slow compared to the other locators in selenium like ID, Link Text, or Name. Order the selectors so that ID comes first and XPath comes last to identify elements quicker.
  4. Use Accessibility IDs: Instead of excessive XPath usage, testers can use accessibility ID locators. If users set accessibility IDs on their elements, it makes them more testable and increases the testing scope of their application.
  5. Consider the View states of the Application: View state is a technique for storing the page value when the application sends or receives information from the server. Suppose there are 15 test cases for the specific functionality of the application. Among them, 10 test cases repeat the same functionality of logging in and going to the page. This duplication is a huge time waste. While developing, set up the application’s view state so that testing begins where needed.
  6. Don’t compromise with Emulators and Simulators:Emulators and Simulators partially mimic real devices. While they are helpful for testing in the initial stages of app development, they are decidedly inadequate when simulating real user conditions. For instance, an Android simulator cannot mimic low battery or 2G internet when your workstation runs 4G/5G. However, they cannot be released without testing apps in less-than-ideal real-world circumstances. An app tested only on emulators, and simulators will provide unsatisfactory, even negative, user experiences.

Summing it up

With the increase in smartphone penetration and time spent on mobile devices, ensuring a seamless mobile app experience is critical. To achieve this, teams must adopt the right testing framework. Popular test automation frameworks include Appium, Calabash, and Selendroid. Development teams must also keep in mind best practices and should actively work with testing teams to ensure they build applications that are easier to test.

Testing must also be done on real devices instead of Emulators and Simulators. All this will help teams ship apps faster and give users a bug-free experience.