Trends in Greenhouse Gas Emissions in B.C. (1990-2021)

<a href=Greenhouse gas emissions plotted over time from 1990 to 2020. The 2007 baseline and the 2025 emission target are highlighted on the graph." width="768" />

*To compare to per capita emissions from other jurisdictions, the afforestation and deforestation emissions included in the B.C. inventory were removed for this calculation, as these emission sources are not tracked everywhere. More details on these emissions are available below.

<a href=Greenhouse gas emissions per million dollars of GDP plotted over time from 1990 to 2020." width="768" />

GDP, population, and greenhouse gas emissions are plotted as three separate lines from 1990 to 2020.

Emissions by Greenhouse Gas

How have emissions of different greenhouse gases changed over time?

Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector

How have greenhouse gas emissions changed within economic sectors?


A tabbed interactive plot that shows a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by subsectors within a sector from 1990 to 2021.

Fossil Fuel Industry

A tabbed interactive plot that shows a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by subsectors within a sector from 1990 to 2021.


A tabbed interactive plot that shows a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by subsectors within a sector from 1990 to 2021.

Heavy Industry

A tabbed interactive plot that shows a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by subsectors within a sector from 1990 to 2021.


A tabbed interactive plot that shows a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by subsectors within a sector from 1990 to 2021.


A tabbed interactive plot that shows a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by subsectors within a sector from 1990 to 2021.

Light Industry

A tabbed interactive plot that shows a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by subsectors within a sector from 1990 to 2021.


A tabbed interactive plot that shows a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by subsectors within a sector from 1990 to 2021.


The British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Provincial Inventory Methodology 4 provides a description of the methodologies and data sources used in preparing B.C.’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory. Currently, most of the Provincial Inventory data and methods come from Canada’s National Inventory Report (NIR) 5 . Any deviations from the NIR methodology or categorization are described in detail in the B.C. Provincial Inventory Methodology 4 . Additional information is also available in the British Columbia Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory (2021) 1 .

British Columbia population estimates ( Table: 17-10-0005-01) and gross domestic product ( Table: 36-10-0222-01) data were sourced from Statistics Canada. Gross domestic product (GDP) is calculated using expenditure-based GDP and reported in millions of chained 2012 dollars.

References and Other Useful Links


*By accessing these datasets, you agree to the licence associated with each file, as indicated below.

Updated December 2023

Environmental Reporting BC. 2023. Trends in Greenhouse Gas Emissions in B.C. (1990-2021). State of Environment Reporting, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, British Columbia, Canada.