What is Rescission of Contract?

In general, a contract is a written or oral agreement that creates certain legal responsibilities. Contract rescission is the legal term used when a contract is terminated or cancelled. It may also be called “overturning” or “cancellation” of a contract. Contract rescission ends the contract. Often, this also cancels any of the legal responsibilities that were in the contract. Contract rescission makes the contract void and unenforceable.

The word and meaning of rescission comes from the term “rescind.” The definition of rescind is to cancel, revoke, repeal or annul. Contract rescission is used to put the parties back to their original position before the agreement was made. In legal terms, this is called “status quo ante.” Status quo ante is a latin that means the previously existing state of affairs. The purpose of contract rescission is to rewind time and put the parties in the position they were in before the contract.

Contract rescission must be done entirely. To rescind a contract you must cancel the whole contract. You cannot rescind just one part or section of a contract. The whole contract must be ended or cancelled.

In some cases, there are ways to cancel or change only part of a contract. This is done through contract reformation . Contract reformation is a way for the parties to cancel or rewrite certain sections of the contract. This is sometimes allowed by a judge. It is used so that the parties can fix a mistake or misunderstanding in a contract. Contract reformation is different from contract rescission.

Contract rescission can be used when there has been a breach of contract . Breach of contract means that one party did not complete or follow their responsibilities in the contract.

Rescission for breach of contract is an equitable remedy sometimes used by the court. An equitable remedy means that the court uses its discretion to come up with the penalty. The court can also use other remedies for breach of contract. Legal remedies can include a variety of different types of damages . Money damages are often used in breach of contract cases.

Rescission for breach of contract is available when money alone will not be enough to make the situation right. Contract rescission is also a remedy in cases where there was an issue with forming a contract . This means that there was some type of problem with how the contract was created.

  1. Under What Circumstances Can a Contract Be Rescinded?
  2. When Is Rescission Not Available?
  3. How Long Do I Have to Rescind a Contract?
  4. Do I Need a Lawyer for Contract Rescission?

Under What Circumstances Can a Contract Be Rescinded?

There must be certain circumstances for a court to find grounds for rescinding a contract.This means that a judge must make a decision that there is a very good reason to cancel the contract. Since a contract creates legal responsibilities, a court will not rescind a contract without a valid basis. You cannot just change your mind about the agreement and have a contract rescinded.

Contract rescission is most often available in certain specific circumstances. There are grounds for rescinding a contract in the following situations: